For Sale Asking Price: INR 5 crore (Native Currency: INR 50,000,000) Reason: Exit business to retire. Includes physical assets worth INR 38 lakh…
Category: Business Intros
Business owners introduce their business and share their requirements
Investment Opportunity in Sustainable Biodiesel Production in Rajasthan
A biodiesel manufacturing company in Rajasthan, India is seeking an investment of INR 16 crore for…
Revolutionizing War Modeling & Simulation: Investment Opportunity in Aerospace & Defense Company in Hyderabad, India
We are providing war game modeling and simulation services to the aerospace and defense sectors. With…
India-based startup working on Metaverse and short video platform has 20 million users seeks investment.
INR 10 crore for 10.0% stake (Native Currency: INR 100,000,000) Reason: Funds are required to speed up product development and growth. Business…