Revolutionizing War Modeling & Simulation: Investment Opportunity in Aerospace & Defense Company in Hyderabad, India

We are providing war game modeling and simulation services to the aerospace and defense sectors. With a team of experienced professionals and a South Korean technology partnership, we offer simulation solutions for government, armed forces, and law enforcement agencies.

We have a run rate of INR 36 crore, with an EBITDA margin of 12%. We have ongoing projects worth INR 36 crore and a team of 20 people, with plans to expand to 300 employees for full-scale operations. We are also onboard with Amazon AWS startup ramp and registered in Secunderabad, with our office located in Hyderabad.

Our services include simulation as a service, with system integration and traceability technologies, used to promote training effectiveness and improve military forces doctrine. We also provide cyber security technology solutions for future battlefield environments.

In terms of assets, we have physical assets including advance payments for land and on-premise IT infrastructure, and intangible assets including cloud IT infrastructure from AWS subscription on a yearly basis and technology. Our project and development office is situated in Hyderabad on a rental basis in the east of the city and we also have technology cooperation from Seoul, South Korea.

We are currently self-funded with no debts or loans and further rounds of funding are under negotiations. The business is currently owned by three shareholders with 4%, 95%, and 1% stake.

We are now seeking investment of INR 10.6 crore for a 30% stake in the company. The funds will be used for investment into ongoing work orders in the pipeline. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to invest in a rapidly growing industry with a strong potential for success. Contact us today to learn more!


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